Today's church is a former funeral chapel erected in 1338 on the cemetery surrounding Our Lady Church. The legend, however, relates it's erecting with bricklayers, who in this way appreciated Virgin Mary for fortunate finishing erection of the Our Lady Church.
Since 1583 the church was taken over Society of Jesus, who patronized here until 1773 when the pope Clement XIV abolished the order. In 1875 the monks from the Society of Jesus came back, they live in the adjacent monastery until now.
Present decor of the temple reflects presence of Jesuits. The polichromy by Franciszek Ignacy Molitor presents:
• Virgin Mary with the Child and saints
Thomas Aquinas and
Cyril; Inscription: "Notum mihi sanctum nomen tuum adiuvabit e am Deus mane diluculo" - relation to the 45-th psalm: "The God will help him in the morning"
• Apotheosis of st. Barbara, and saint martyrs with theirs atributes: Catherine of Alexandria (with sword), Agnes of Rome (with lamb), Agatha of Sicily (with excised breasts on a platter) and Apollonia (with tongs);
• Apotheozis of St. Ignatius of Loyola and personification of four continents:
Europe (with hourse),
Asia (with elephant),
Africa (with camel) and
America (with Indians). Insctiption below: "Ut portet nomen meum cora gentibus et regibus" - He will hold my name to pagans and kings (Acts of the Apostles 9,15)
• Apotheosis of Francis Xavier and his mission. On the fields are painted converted pagans (
field 1),(
field 2),
saint Francis showing on the map places of his mission and knight with Spanish armour. In lunetach is presented
converting of Indians' chief and the death of saint Francis. Inscription below: "Clarificavi nomen tuum nunc clarificame" - Jesus Christ prayer (Gospel of John 17, 5-8), relation to Francis Xavier's missions
• Apotheosis of saint Francis Borgia and saints Cecilia (playing organ) and David (playing harp).
Next to interesting polichromy there are interesting paintings in the church:
• Francis Borgia looking at empress Isabel's coffin - the painting presents opening coffin of empress Isabel. Decaying empress Isabel's body forced Francis Borgia to give himself to the God.
• Barbara Lang - the painting shows Barbara Lang, mentally fixed daughter of rich burgher.
In front of the church there is gothic Getsemani founded by Adam Szwarc.
• Adamczewski Jan. Mała encyklopedia Krakowa, Kraków 1996
• Katalog Zabytków Sztuki w Polsce, t. IV Miasto Kraków, cz. 2 Kościoły i Klasztory Śródmieścia, red. Adam Bochnak i Jan Sam
Pay attention to :
• Polichromy by Francis Molitor
• Jakub Wujek's grave
• Getsemani
People related with the church:
• Mikołaj Wierzynek
• Jakub Wujek
• Francis Molitor