first Thursday of December
This is a unique custom of producing Christmas cribs and exhibiting them on the first Thursday of December. The cribs are presented in the Main Market Square, later, at 12:00 the producers hold the cribs to Krzysztofory Museum whis is just at the Main Market. For the next two months one can visit the museum and admire them.
first Wednesday after Easter
Rękawka means 'a scarf' ... Krakus Mound according to old legends was made of soil carried here in scarves. The Mound keeps lots of secrets. One of the secrets concern throwing boiled egs from the tom of the hill. Probably this is a pagan custom having at least 1000 years. Today this is just a play connected with concerts and feast.
first Thursday after Corpus Cristi
Once upon a time the Tartars aproched Krakow. However the night came and the gates were closed so they decided to sleep and next morning attack Krakow. When they slept near village Zwierzyniec, the vallagers tied them and in the morning entered Krakow dressed as Tartars. The townspeople were scared but soon realised that they are just the villagers.
Today, every Thursday after Corpus Cristi a man dressed like Tartar walks from the former village Zwierzyniec to the Main Square. His touch means luck for the next year.
Juvenalia meand students feast. In this day one can see lots of students enjoying time mainly in the Main Market. In the day time on the scene staying in the Market students present their universities, in the evening there is a concert and the best Polish bands are invited to play their music.
end of May
Every year in the end of May restaurant owners prepare soups and give them to all people being in Kazimierz district. Polish cousine is based on soups - we have at least thousand dofferent kinds of soups. Everybody who taste soup must vote fot the best, most delicious. The festival is occasion to take part in concerts organised on Wolnica Square.
Jest to największe wydarzenie kulturalne poświecone kulturze żydowskiej w Polsce i jedno z najwiekszych takich na świecie. Corocznie gromadzi tysiące uczestnikow, którzy chcieliby zgłębić fascynujacą kulturę Braci Starszych w wierze. Kulminacją Festiwalu jest koncert na ulicy Szerokiej. Jest to świetna okazja by zobaczyć największe gwiazdy muzyki klezmerskiej.
weekend przed lub po 22 czerwca
Wydarzenie nawiązuje do prastarej, poganskiej tradycji rzucania wiankow przez panny na wydaniu. Wianki to jedna z najwiekszych uroczystosci w Grodzie Kraka. Corocznie skupia na Bulwarach Wislanych kilkaset tysiêcy gosci. Kulminacja uroczystosci jest pokaz sztucznych ogni.
Corocznie, na placu Wolnica, na krakowskim Kazimierzu, odbywa sie festiwal, połączony z pokazem wypieku chleba, krakowskich obwarzanków i żuru, który wszyscy moga spróbowac. W trakcie imprezy, jej uczestnicy moga głosowac na najlepsze wyroby.