While visiting Krakow – Nowa Huta among soc-real architecture characteristic for the fifties, another block appear. Tourist acquainted with Soviet architecture would estimate their origin as from the seventies or eighties, and in most cases are right, but not in case of two blocks on the Aleja Przyjazni and Aleja Solidarnosci crossroad. These are so called Swedish block and French block. Both were erected after ‘Six Years Plan’ (1950-1955) and after Joseph Stalin’s death. Swedish Block was built in 1957-59, French block in 1956-57. Both according to Janusz and Marta Ingarden’s project. In the fifties they were the most modern and efficient houses. The structure is hold by walls build inside the building. Therefore the architects could make more windows, so lighter dwellings.
The blocks one erected also for trade and service sectors by enlarging the ground floor. Swedish block surprises of its length and bending 30* It evokes the shape of the land and enlarging houses problems. New idea of the French block is the round shape glass in the corners of the building. The same glass decorates the French block until now.